


姓名:商逸澹                                       职称:副教授

专业:生物医学工程                           学历层次:博士









2012.08-2017.09           皇家墨尔本理工大学,工程学院              工学博士

2008.09-2012.07           中国科学技术大学,物理学院                  理学学士



2024.01–至今,          上海工程技术大学,机械与汽车工程学院,副教授

2020.102023.12     上海工程技术大学,航空运输学院,副教授

2020.102023.05     皇家墨尔本理工大学,工程学院,Adjunct ResearchFellow (Lv. B)

2018.012020.10     上海工程技术大学,航空运输学院,兼职副教授

2017.092020.09     皇家墨尔本理工大学,工程学院,Research Officer(Lv. A)




1.      20242027,国家级纵向,国家自然科学基金面上项目,吸入制剂在呼吸道中的动力学研究及不同人群的药物递送优化,49万,主持1/3。(在研)

2.      2024,省部级纵向,上海市高水平地方高校项目,医疗机器人智能流体科研平台,40万,授权主持1/1。(结题)

3.      2024,省部级纵向,上海市高水平地方高校项目-高水平人才团队,流体力学专用仿真平台,20万,授权主持1/1。(结题)

4.      2024,校级纵向,“外专计划”高端外国专家项目,8万,主持1/1。(结题)

5.      20202023,省部级纵向,上海市教委,上海市“青年东方”人才项目,60+ 60万学校配套,主持1/1。(结题)

6.      20202021,校级纵向,职业安全健康北京市重点实验室,超细颗粒物CFD呼吸道沉积模拟评估软件的开发及优化,5万,主持1/1。(结题)

7.      20192021,国家级纵向,国家自然科学青年基金,生产性粉尘的几何特征及理化性质对其在人体呼吸道内的动力学特征的影响,21万,主持1/2。(结题)

8.      2017,省部级纵向,澳洲科学院和维省国土资源部,MathematicalAI modelling of powerline-fault vegetation detection challenge(利用AI建模来探测造成高压线短路起火的植物类型),1万澳元,主持1/2。结题。



1.      20252028,横向,复旦附属徐中心医院,胆胰管流体力学研究和分析平台建设,40万,主持1/2。(在研)

2.      20252026,校企合作横向,尘埃等离子体的流体性质研究及等离子体空气消毒设备的流体力学优化设计,160万,主持1/2。(在研)

3.      20242025,校企合作横向,苏州淞桦航空装备有限公司,重型无人机升力系统的流体力学仿真和结构优化,30万,主持1/1。(在研)

4.      20242025,校企合作横向,嘉兴淞棋复合材料有限公司,飞行汽车涵道螺旋桨翼型流体力学仿真与优化,10万,主持1/1。(在研)

5.      20232024,校企合作横向,长风药业有限公司,新型鼻喷装置的流体力学解析与优化,20万,主持1/1。(在研)

6.      20222024,校企合作横向,甘肃方正节能科技服务有限公司,规模化生物天然气工程关键技术研究与应用,70万,参与3/4

7.      20222023,校企合作横向,清华大学,非能动余热系统T型接头管与变径管组合型式的内旋流动的实验测量和计算分析,15.8万,参与3/4


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?hl=en&user=21akawUAAAAJ&view_op=list_works


20 Career-BestResearch Outputs (sorted by year):

#: CorrespondingAuthor, *: Co-First Author


[1] Xueren Li*,Xiaojian Ni*, Yidan Shang#, Houbao Liu# etal. (2024), ‘The impact of choledochal cysts on bile fluid dynamics: Aperspective using computational fluid dynamics and surface mapping technique’,Physics of Fluids, vol. 36, pp. 061904 (Featured Article, IF=4, 中科院二区)

[2] Renquan Tu, YidanShang#et al. (2024), ‘Optimizing cabin air inlet velocities and personal riskassessment: Introducing the Personal Contamination Ratio method for enhancedaircraft cabin infection risk evaluation’, Plos One, 19(9), pp. e0309730 (IF =4)

[3] YidanShang,Jingliang Dong et al. (2022), ‘Detailed comparative analysis of environmentalmicroparticle deposition characteristics between human and monkey nasalcavities using a surface mapping technique’, Science of The Total Environment,vol. 853, pp. 158770, (IF = 8, 中科院一区,cited 8 times)

[4] YidanShang,Jingliang Dong et al. (2022), ‘An improved numerical model for epidemictransmission and infection risks assessment in indoor environment’, Journal ofAerosol Science, vol. 162, pp. 105943, (IF = 4, cited 32 times)

[5] YidanShang,Yao Tao et al. (2021), ‘Deposition features of inhaled viral droplets may leadto rapid secondary transmission of COVID-19’, Journal of Aerosol Science, vol.154, pp. 105745, (IF = 4, cited 14 times)

[6] YidanShang,Rui Chen et al. (2021), ‘Quantification of long-term accumulation of inhaledultrafine particles via human olfactory-brain pathway due to environmental emissions– a pilot study’, NanoImpact, vol. 22, pp. 100322, (IF = 5, cited 17 times)

[7] Yidan Shang, KiaoInthavong et al. (2021), ‘Prediction of nasal spray drug absorption influencedby mucociliary clearance’, PloS One, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. e0246007, (IF = 4,cited 40 times)

[8] KiaoInthavong, Yidan Shang et al. (2020), ‘Characterizationof nasal irrigation flow from a squeeze bottle using computational fluiddynamics’, International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, vol. 10, no. 1: p.29-40, (IF = 7, 中科院二区, cited27 times)

[9] YidanShang,Kiao Inthavong et al. (2019), ‘Development of a computational fluid dynamicsmodel for mucociliary clearance in the nasal cavity’, Journal of Biomechanics,vol. 85, pp. 74–83, (IF = 3, cited 42 times)

[10] YidanShang,Jingliang Dong et al. (2019), ‘Detailed computational analysis of flow dynamicsin an extended respiratory airway model’, Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 61:105-111. (IF = 2, cited 58 times)

[11] YidanShang,Kiao Inthavong et al. (2019), ‘Numerical assessment of ambient inhaled micronparticle deposition in a human nasal cavity’, Experimental and ComputationalMultiphase Flow, vol. 1, pp. 109-115. (IF=4, 中科院二区, cited 30 times)

[12] Lin Tian, YidanShanget al. (2019), ‘Correlation of regional deposition dosage for inhalednanoparticles in human and rat olfactory’, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, vol.16, no. 1, (IF = 9, 中科院一区, cited86 times)

[13] Xiangdong Li,YidanShanget al. (2018), ‘Modelling of evaporation of cough droplets in inhomogeneoushumidity fields using the multi-component Eulerian-Lagrangian approach’,Building and Environment, vol. 128, pp. 6876, (IF = 7, 中科院一区, cited 161 times)

[14] Qike Wang, YidanShanget al. (2018), ‘Antennal scales improve signal detection efficiency in moths’,Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 285, no. 1874:20172832, (IF = 4, 中科院一区, cited37 times)

[15] JingliangDong, YidanShanget al. (2018), ‘Partitioning of dispersed nanoparticles in a realistic nasalpassage for targeted drug delivery’, vol. 543(1-2), pp. 83-95, InternationalJournal of Pharmaceutics (IF=5, 中科院二区, cited 28 times)

[16] YidanShang,Jingliang Dong et al. (2017), ‘Computational fluid dynamics analysis of wallshear stresses between human and rat nasal cavities’ European Journal ofMechanics-B/Fluids, vol. 61: 160-169, (IF = 3, cited 16 times)

[17] Lin Tian, YidanShanget al. (2017), ‘A combined experimental and numerical study on upper airwaydosimetry of inhaled nanoparticles from an electrical discharge machine shop’,(IF=9, 中科院一区, cited28 times)

[18] JingliangDong, YidanShanget al. (2016), ‘From the cover: comparative numerical modeling of inhalednanoparticle deposition in human and rat nasal cavities’, ToxicologicalSciences, vol. 152, no. 2: 284-296, (Cover Paper, IF = 4, cited 49 times)

[19] YidanShang,Kiao Inthavong et al. (2015), ‘Detailed micro-particle deposition patterns inthe human nasal cavity influenced by the breathing zone’, Computers &Fluids, vol. 114, pp. 141–150, (IF = 3, cited 113 times)

[20] YidanShang,Jingliang Dong et al. (2015), ‘Comparative numerical modeling of inhaledmicron-sized particle deposition in human and rat nasal cavities’, InhalationToxicology, vol. 27(13): 694-705. (IF = 3, cited 72 times)



[1] 发明专利,基于CFD的胆道模型构建方法以及微流控系统,申请号2024105797269,申请公布号CN118485018A



·           2024,上海工程技术大学,机械与汽车工程学院,年度优秀教师。

·           2022,上海工程技术大学,新进教师岗前培训(因疫情推迟),优秀新进教师(共10人)。

·           2019,上海市青年东方 学者。

·           2017,澳洲科学院和维州政府“高压线短路火灾植物类型探测数学建模竞赛”冠军。

·           2016,中国优秀自费留学生奖学金,8千澳元。

·           2016,皇家墨尔本理工大学优秀博士生奖学金,3万澳元。

·           20132015,皇家墨尔本理工大学国际交流奖学金,总计6千澳元。

·           2011,数学竞赛美国赛MCMMeritorious Award(一等奖,前5%)。

·           2007,全国物理竞赛浙江赛区一等奖,全国三等奖。