




姓名:张恒运                      职称:教授

专业:车辆工程与储能工程          学历层次:博士







博士生导师,上海高校东方 学者特聘教授,IEEE高级会员,中国汽车工程学会高级会员,松江区拔尖人才。1994年获得中国科技大学热科学与能源工程系本科学位、2001年获得新加坡南洋理工大学机械与制造工程博士学位,先后在新加坡微电子研究所、美国超微半导体等公司担任高级工程师与研究员,2014年聘任上海工程技术大学教授。担任ASME MNHMT 2016 IEEE EPTC2014-2024ISLBFS2021-2023ICEMAT2023-2025国际会议技术委员会成员,主持和主要参与国家自然科学、上海科委项目、企业项目20多项。撰写国家重点图书1部,发表论文150篇,Google Scholar 引用率3800次,申请专利40多项。获得中国发明协会创业创新奖二等奖、ICEPT 2010杰出论文奖、ITHERM 2004最佳论文奖。指导硕士研究生34人、博士生3人,获得上海市优秀毕业生、上海市工程热物理学会优秀学位论文奖、互联网+大赛上海市铜奖等荣誉。入选全球2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力”和“2022年度科学影响力”榜单(斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔联合发布)以及爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。




[1] H.Y. Zhang, F.X. Che, T. Lin, W.S. Zhao, Modeling,analysis, design and tests for electronics packaging beyond Moore [M], 2021,国家重点图书, 化工出版社与Elsevier联合出版.  


[1] Ruitong Liu, Hengyun Zhang#, Yidong Xu, Jinqi Liu,Ying Wang, Peichao Li, SOH correlation in coupling with electrochemicalimpedances and expansion rate for prismatic LiMnO2 lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Energy Storage, 2025107: 115023.

[2] Jinghe Shi, Hengyun Zhang#, Hong Yu, Yidong Xu,Shen Xu, Lei Sheng, Xuning Feng, Xiaolin Wang, Experimental determinations ofthermophysical parameters for lithium-ion batteries: A systematic review,eTransportation 2024, 20: 100321.

[3] Yidong Xu, Hengyun Zhang#, Ruitong Liu, WenlinYuan, Analysis of electro-chemical impedance and state of health based onpermanent expansion for prismatic batteries, J. Power Sources 2024, 605:234515.

[4] Jinghe Shi, Hengyun Zhang#, Hong Yu, Xiaolin Wang,Experimental determination of heat generation rates of lithium-ion batteries bythermal protection method, Science China Technological Sciences, 2024, 67.

[5] Jiaxing Yang, Hengyun Zhang#, Yidong Xu, PeichaoLi, Analysis of heat generation in lithium-ion battery components and voltagerebound based on electrochemical and thermal coupled model, J. Energy Storage2023, 72: 108554.

[6] Xiaobin Xu, JiaJun Zhu, Hengyun Zhang#, ZhaozangYi, Xiaolin Wang, Gang Zhao, Low cost energy-efficient preheating of batterymodule integrated with air cooling based on a heat spreader plate, AppliedThermal Engineering, 2023, 232: 121024.

[7] Hong Yu, Hengyun Zhang#, Jinghe Shi, Shunbo Liu,Zhaozang Yi, Shen Xu, Xinwei Wang, Thermal parameters of cylindrical powerbatteries: Quasi-steady state heat guarding measurement and thermal managementstrategies, Applied Thermal Engineering,2023, 231: 120959. 

[8] Zhaozang Yi, Peng Wei, Hengyun Zhang#, Haitao Sun,Shuzhen Zeng, Hong Yu, Wide range temperature thermal performance of powerbattery module with double-sided thermoelectric device system with high energyefficiency, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 227: 120375.

[9] Jiajun Zhu, Hengyun Zhang#, Guoping Wu, ShunliangZhu, Wei Liu, Thermal performance of cylindrical battery module with both axialand radial thermal paths: numerical simulation and thermal resistance networkanalysis, J. Energy Storage 2022, 49: 104197.

[10] X. Xu, Y. Xu, H. Zhang#, S. Zhu, H. Wang.Balanced structural optimization of air-cooling battery module withsingle-layer sleeved heat spreader plate. Int. J. Energy Res. 2022,46:3458�C3475. 

[11] Dezhu Huang, Hengyun Zhang#, Xiaojun Wang,Xinghua Huang, Haifeng Dai, Experimental investigations on the performance ofmini-channel evaporator refrigeration system for thermal management of powerbatteries,  Int. J. Refrig. 2021, 130: 117�C127. 

[12]    Yefei Xu, Hengyun Zhang#,Xiaobin Xu, Xiaolin Wang, Numerical analysis and surrogate model optimizationof air-cooled battery modules using double-layer heat spreading plates, Int. J.Heat Mass Transfer, 2021, 176: 121380. 

[13] Shunbo Liu, Hengyun Zhang#, Xiaobin Xu, A studyon the transient heat generation rate of lithium-ion battery based on fullmatrix orthogonal experimental design with mixed levels, J. Energy Storage,2021, 36: 102446.

[14] Fengze Hou, Hengyun Zhang#, Dezhu Huang, et al,Microchannel Thermal Management System with Two-Phase Flow for Power Electronicsover 500 W/cm2 Heat Dissipation, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, 2020, 35(10):10592-10600.

[15]Xiaoyu Wu, Zehua Zhu, Hengyun Zhang#, Shen Xu, YuFang, Zhenrong Yan, Structural optimization of light-weight battery modulebased on hybrid liquid cooling with high latent heat PCM,  Int. J. HeatMass Transfer, 2020163: 120495. (他引59次)

[16] Le Jiang, Hengyun Zhang#, Junwei Li, Peng Xia,Thermal performance of a cylindrical battery module impregnated with PCMcomposite based on thermoelectric cooling, Energy 2019, 188: 116048. (他引90次)

[17] Hengyun Zhang#, Qingyu Wu, Shen Xu, ExperimentalInvestigation of Thermal Performance of Large-Sized Battery Module Using HybridPCM and Bottom Liquid Cooling Configuration, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,159: 113968. (他引87次)

[18]    Lei Sheng, Lin Su#, HengyunZhang#, Experimental determination on thermal parameters of prismatic lithium ionbattery cells, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 139:231�C239.   

[19]    Limin Song, Hengyun Zhang#,Chun Yang, Thermal analysis of conjugated cooling configurations using phasechange material and liquid cooling techniques for a battery module, Int. J.Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 133: 827�C841. (他引136次)

[20]    Lei Sheng, Lin Su#, HengyunZhang#, et al, An improved calorimetric method for characterizations of thespecific heat and the heat generation rate in a prismatic lithium-ion batterycell, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019180: 724�C732. (他引66次)

[21]    Huan Yang, Hengyun Zhang#, etal, Numerical analysis and experimental visualization of phase change materialmelting process for thermal management of cylindrical power battery, AppliedTherm. Engineering, 2018,128: 489-499. (他引60次)

[22]    Hengyun Zhang#, Zhaoqiang Wang,Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger: Volume Averaging Formulation of a Unit Cell Modeland Thermal Performance Analysis, ASME J. Heat Transfer 2017,139(05): 051801.

[23]    Zhiwei Wang, Hengyun Zhang#,Xin Xia, Experimental investigation on the thermal behavior of cylindricalbattery with composite paraffin and fin structure, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer,2017, 109: 958-970. (他引119)

[24]    H. Y. Zhang et al, Analysis ofthermoelectric cooler performance for high power electronic packages, AppliedThermal Engineering 2010, 30:561-568.(他引208次)

[25]    李俊伟,张恒运#,吴笑宇,王影,基于热电制冷的动力电池模组散热性能研究,储能科学与技术,2020 96): 1790-1797. 

[26]    吴笑宇,张恒运#,朱泽华,宋利民,电池模组轴向-径向协同散热的数值分析,工程热物理学报,2020 417):1784-1791.     

[27]    吴青余, 张恒运#, 李俊伟. 校准量热法测量锂电池比热容和生热率. 汽车工程, 2020,42(1): 59-65.

[28]    张恒运,邓宇晨,严晓,陈浩,王岩松,一种带翅片和泡沫导热结构的复合散热装置,发明专利授权ZL201510705796.5.

[29]    张恒运,王之伟,夏欣,金光灿,一种动力电池的散热装置,发明专利授权ZL201610078011.0.

[30]    张恒运,王兆强,许莎,王之伟,一种强制对流动力电池散热装置,发明专利授权ZL201610296577.0.

[31]张恒运,隋杨,龚元明,牛甜甜,一种基于热电效应的电池模组热管理方法和装置, 发明专利授权ZL201610944434.6.

[32]    张恒运,刘顺波,吴国平,李培超,徐�妫�黄兴华,郭韵,刘飞,一种测量圆柱电池轴向导热系数与比热的方法与装置,发明专利授权 ZL2020111806036.

[33]    张恒运,徐晓斌,刘顺波等,基于内阻测试的动力电池瞬态产热率的测算方法,发明专利授权 ZL2021105712178.

[34]    张恒运,徐晓斌,刘顺波等,基于车辆行驶工况的动力电池瞬态产热率的测算方法,发明专利授权ZL202110571229.0.