


姓名:郭韵                 职称教授

专业:能源与动力工程       学历层次:工学博士






2001.04-至今    上海工程技术大学,机械与汽车工程学院,教授

2015.09-2016.02 美国普林斯顿大学,社会工作学院,研究学者

2014.08-2015.08 美国罗格斯大学,机械与航空工程学院,高级访问学者

2003.9-2009.12  上海理工大学,动力工程与工程热物理,博士

1994.09-2001.03 上海理工大学,动力工程与工程热物理,本硕连读





[1] 国家自然科学基金委, 国家自然科学基金, No51606116, 天然气加热气化装置非稳态自然对流及介质参与性辐射耦合热流场研究, 2017-01-01  2019-12-31, 20.00万元, 主持.

[2] 上海市科委, 省部级重点专项, No19195810800, 长三角地区智慧储能关键技术集成解决方案研究及商业化综合应用示范, 2019-04  2022-10, 120万元, 主持.

[3] 上海交源集团, 技术转让, No2021310031004404, 一种利用太阳能吸收式制冷的冻干机节能系统及运行方法等, 2021-06  2022-06, 57万元, 主持.

[4] 上海市扬帆人才计划, 省部级人才计划, No19YF1418000, 油页岩大分子耦合生物质自由基共热解机理研究与反应过程调控, 2019-04  2022-03, 20万元.

[5] 上海交通大学, 产学研, NoJQ-014, 明日叶蛋糕3D热电打印技术开发, 2018-10  2021-11, 20万元, 主持.

[6] 产学研项目,可再生新能源年产72万吨蒸汽集中供热项目,2023-62025-10600万元,主持.

[7] 上海市科学技术成果:低压煤气储气罐在天然气转换中的利用,2017.




[1]     Yuan, W., Guo, Y*., Zhang, Y. Performance Research on Heating Performance of Battery Thermal Management Coupled with the Vapor Injection Heat Pump Air Conditioning. World Electr. Veh. J. 2024, 15, 33, (SCI, Q2, IF=2.3)

[2]     Zhao, F.; Guo, Y*; Chen, B. A Review of Lithium-Ion Battery State of Charge Estimation Methods Based on Machine Learning. World Electr. Veh. J. 2024, 15, 131. SCI,Q2IF=2.3

[3]     Jiaao ZhuYun Guo*Yunshen ZhangNa ChenA Review of the Application of Thermal Analysis in the Development of Bone Tissue Repair Materials,International Journal of Thermophysics, 2023, Volume 44, Issue 8, 124.(SCI, Q3, IF=2.2)

[4]     Xuesong Liu, Jun Shen, Yun Guo*, Sha Wang, Bin Chen, Lei Luo, Hai Zhang, Technical progress and perspective on the thermochemical conversion of kitchen waste and relevant applications: A comprehensive review, Fuel, 2023, Volume 331, Part 1, 125803, (SCI, Q1, IF=8.035)

[5]            Nuonan Zhang, Yun Guo*, Weijian Yuan, Yaolin Lin. Energy-Saving Design and Energy Consumption Analysis of a New Vacuum Refrigerator. Buildings 2022, 12, 203. (SCI, Q2, IF=3.324)

[6]     Yun Guo*, Xuning Zhang, Zhongwei Zhou. Coupled Heat and Flow Analysis Inside a Diversion-Type Gas Heater With Vertical Guide Plate Structure. Frontiers in EnergyResearch. 2022, Volume=10. (SCI, Q2, IF=3.858)

[7]            Huarong Zhang, Sha Wang, Cong Shi, Jinbiao Yan, Xiang Ge, Jun Shen, Bin Chen, Xiumin Jiang, Yun Guo, Evolution characteristics of products retorted from Gonghe oil shale based on TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS, Thermochimica Acta, 2022, Volume 716, 179325, (SCI, Q2, IF=3.378)

[8]     Bin Chen, Chenyu Zhou, Lianggen Qin, Kexin Fan, Jiewen Xue, Yun Guo*, Quantum chemistry simulation and kinetic analysis of organic nitrogen transfer during oil shale pyrolysis, Energy,2022, Volume 256, 124709, (SCI, Q1, IF=8.857)

[9]     Zhongxun Tian, Bin Chen, Xihe Qiu, Weijun Liu, Yun Guo*, Study of quantum chemistry calculation simulation for the effect of electric field on the kerogen molecular decomposition, Fuel, 2022, Volume 318, 123584, (SCI, Q1, IF=8.035)

[10]       Mengxue Yuan, Na Chen, Yun Guo*, Bin Chen, Sha Wang, Jun Shen, Xihe Qiu. Simulation analysis of biomass pyrolysis based on the improved chemical percolation devolatilization model with chain reaction dynamics. AIChE J. 2022;68(11):e17853. (SCI, Q1, IF=4.167)

[11]       Zhongwei Zhou, Yun Guo*, Yaolin Lin. Energy-saving evaluation of a solar integrated vacuum freeze-dryer and building air conditioning system. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 2021;39(2):608-619. (SCI, Q2, IF=2.5)

[12]Hong Zhang, Yun Guo*, Yaolin Lin. Analysis of Energy Consumption of the Lyophilizer System Using Solar Absorption Refrigeration. Sustainability ,2021, 13, 12063. (SSCI, Q2, IF=3.889)

[13]       Yun Guo*, Ali Yousefi, Determining the appropriate size of the electrical energy storage system of an energy process based on a solid oxide fuel cell and wind turbine, Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, Volume 44, Part B, 103430, (SCI, Q1, IF=8.907)

[14]       Zehua Zhu, Xiaoyu Wu, Hengyun Zhang, Yun Guo, Guoping Wu, Multi-objective optimization of a liquid cooled battery module with collaborative heat dissipation in both axial and radial directions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, Volume 155, 119701, (SCI, Q1, IF=5.341)

[15]       Yun Guo*, Yeyu Ouyang, Yufei Gao, Bingde Wei. Analysis of power and energy management system for new energy dining car. Journal of Physics, 2019, Volume 1369. (EI)

[16]Peng He, Yun Guo*. Optimization of mechanical structure and temperature control design of FDM smart food 3D printer. Engineering Village, 2019, Pages 356-362, (EI)

[17]       Yun Guo*, Zhongwei Zhou, Hao Chen, Yeyu Ouyang, Zhiqiang Huang. Research Inside a Gas Heating Device with Different Heat Transfer Medium. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2019) 1369:1, pages 012008.

[18]       Zhongwei Zhou, Yun Guo* Simulation Study on the Effect of Fuel Preheating Temperature on Temperature Field and NOx Emission of 130kW Natural Gas Heater. 2019 2nd World Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing (WCMEIM), (2019) pages 253-256.

[19]       Yun Guo*. Flow and Heat Transfer Inside a New Diversion-Type Gas Heating Device, Numerical Heat Transfer, 2016, Part A, (SCI, Q2, IF=2.569)

[20]       Yun Guo*. A numerical study on 2-d flow and heat transfer in a natural gas heater, ASME, 2016, (EI)

[21]       Yun Guo*. Technology Roadmap of IGCC Industry in China,Energy and Power Engineering,2015.

[22]       Yun Guo*, Zhiqiang Huang, Shunxin Yang. Numerical Study on the Flow and Heat Transfer for the inside of the Cylinder Type Natural Gas Heater. Advanced Materials Research (2013) 860-863, pages 1441-1444. (EI)

[23]       Yun Guo*, Weiwu Cao, Ping Yan, Caixia Yu &Shangyuan Qian. Application and Research Progress of Heater in Natural Gas Industry, Heat Transfer Engineering, , 2011,(SCI, Q3, IF=2.431)

[24]郭韵*,张福建,张栩宁,张诺楠,尹世界,周冰,朱琳.复杂锌精矿沸腾焙烧的行为研究[J].矿产综合利用,2022(04):71-74. (北大核心)

[25]       杨凯,郭韵*.基于扩展卡尔曼滤波法的锂电池SOC估计[J].中外能源,2022. (SCD)

[26]       张诺楠, 郭韵*.气体燃烧室中热流场与生成NOx浓度场的数值模拟研究[J]上海工程技术大学学报, 2022. (SCD)

[27]刘景龙, 郭韵*. 基于MPPT控制的分布式光伏发电并网建模仿真[J]计算机仿真,2022.03-0278-05. (北大核心/CSCD)

[28]       郭韵*,陈昊,樊俊杰.调峰型气化炉内换热区换热行为模拟研究[J].锅炉技术,2021,52(03):1-7. (北大核心)

[29]       欧阳叶郁,郭韵*.基于CPCM与空气冷却的储能电池热管理仿真研究[J].中外能源,2021,26(11):85-94. (SCD)

[30]       佘俊伟,郭韵*.基于多媒体技术的虚拟数据库资源重组系统设计[J].现代电子技术,2021,44(02):86-90. (北大核心)

[31]       艾伯根,郭韵*.“一带一路视域下中国与哈萨克斯坦的能源运输研究[J].物流科技,2020,43(01):133-135. (SCD)

[32]Jun Shen*, Xuesong Liu, Sha Wang, Bin Chen, Shengxiang Deng, Xihe Qiu, Ziqi Wang, Hai Zhang, Yun Guo*,Theoretical study on nitrogen migration mechanism during the pyrolysis of 2-pyrrolidone,Fuel,Volume 345,2023,128260.(SCIQ1, IF=7.4)

[33]Bin Chen, Yanlin Li, Mengxue Yuan, Jun Shen, Sha Wang, Jianhui Tong, Yun Guo,Study of the Co-pyrolysis characteristics of oil shale with wheat straw based on the hierarchical collection, Energy, Volume 239, Part B, 2022, 122144. (SCI, Q1, IF=9)

[34]Bin Chen, Mengxue Yuan, Yulong You, Sha Wang, Jun Shen, Xiangxin Han, Xiumin Jiang, Yun Guo,Simulation analysis of Co-Pyrolysis of oil shale and wheat straw based on the combination of chain reaction kinetics and improved CPD models,Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 243, 2021, 114405. (SCI,Q1, IF=10.4)

[35]       Yun Guo*. Coupled Heat Flow Fields Analysis inside a Diversion-type Gas Heater with Vertical Guide Plate Structure,Journal of enhanced heat transfer, 2019, (SCI, Q3, IF=2.449)

[36]顾万选,郭韵*.储能电站中锂电池的液冷结构设计及优化[J].中外能源,2022,27(08):94-99. (SCD)

[37]毕海瑞,顾万选,樊俊杰,郭韵*.储能集装箱双向风冷散热系统研究[J].农业装备与车辆工程,2022,60(01):1-5. (SCD)

[38]邱李培,顾万选,郭韵*.基于混合储能的直流微网孤岛运行控制策略研究[J].中外能源, 2022. (SCD)

[39]尹世界,郭韵*. 储能电站变流器设计与仿真研究[J]农业装备与车辆工程, 2022. (SCD)

[40]刘景龙, 郭韵*. 分布式光伏发电并网数字化建模与仿真[J]计算机仿真,2022.03-0278-05. (北大核心/CSCD)

[41]欧阳叶郁,郭韵*,邱李培.储能电池的热仿真及其产热分析[J].电子元器件与信息技术,2021,5(05):113 -115. (SCD)

[42]郭韵, 张栩宁, 周仲伟, 陈昊, 樊俊杰. 天然气加热炉内介质水非稳态耦合热流场研究[J]. 上海理工大学学报, 2021, 43(6): 567-573. (北大核心/CSCD)

[43]Hao Chen, Yun Guo*, and Yeyu Ouyang. 2019. Artificial Intelligent Control and Maintenance of Natural Gas Heating Furnace. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Control and Artificial Intelligence (RICAI '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 471–475.

[44]黄志强, 何建佳, ,考虑决策周期影响的离散契约供应链动力学行为,系统管理学报,2019, Vol. 28Issue (4): 771-776.CSCD

[45]Yufei Gao, Yun Guo *, Bingde Wei, Design and Research of New Energy Dining Car Battery,International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) ISSN (Online): 2320-9364, ISSN (Print): 2320-9356 www.ijres.org Volume 7 Issue 1 Series I ǁ 2019 ǁ PP. 29-32

[46]Yufei GaoYun GuoYawen Zhu Research on Dynamic System of New Energy Food truck, 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1168 022059

[47]Yun Guo, Yeyu Ouyang, Yufei Gaoand Bingde Wei, Analysis of power and energy management system for new energy dining car, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1369, 5th International Workshop on Heat/Mass Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT2019) 13–16 August 2019, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

[48]Yeyu Ouyang, Yun Guo, Hao Chen, Control and simulation of power balance in optical storage micro-grid based on photovoltaic power supplyIn Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Control and Artificial Intelligence (RICAI '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 363–367.

[49]Yazhou Jiang, Yun Guo,Combustion Simulation of 130KW Large Cylinder Natural Gas Heater with Intermediate Heat Carrier Medium, 2018, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 186, Issue 4

[50]Li Ke Wang , Yun Guo*, Jiang YaZhou, GaoYuFei, YanHaoLi, The radiation heat flow field analysis of water medium in heating furnace, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science,Volume 5 Issue 9, September. 2017, PP. 63-69SCI,Q1IF=7.023

[51]Guo Yun, Huang Zhiqiang , Yang Shunxin, Research and Design of the Control System for Natural Gas Heater, Advanced Materials ResearchVol 842 (2014) pp 541-545

[52]Yun Guo, Research and design of the control system to natural gas heater,Materials, mechanical and manufacturing engineeringVolume 842Pages:541-5452013SCIQ2,IF=3.4

[53]G. Yun, C. Wei-wu, H. Zhi-qiang and W. Xiao-jiang, The Prospects and Challenges of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology, 2010 International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application, Changsha, China, 2010, pp. 705-708

[54]Guo YunCao WeiwuQian ShangyuanYan Ping. Investigation on natural gas heater with different heat-transfer medium[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progree.

[55]Zhi Qiang, H., & Guo, Y. (2011). Network Construction of Waste Reverse Logistics in Developing China's New Rural Areas. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 52-54, 2203 - 2206.

[56]GUO Yun, CAO WeiWu, YAN Beng.天然气加热炉的发展现状与改进探索[J].Natural Gas Industry, 2009, 29(12):97-100.DOI:10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2009.12.030.






[3]       一种利用太阳能和冷凝热的冻干机节能系统. ZL202210214661.9, 2023.

[4]       一种分段循环燃气低氮燃烧器. ZL202111391346.5,2022.

[5]       一种真空冷冻机节能装置.ZL202110091271.2, 2023.

[6]       一种具有喷淋结构的气化设备.ZL202010602496.5, 2022.

[7]       一种立式U型气化加热设备.ZL202010602468.3, 2021.

[8]       一种气化设备内部的检修机器人.ZL202010593450.1, 2021.

[9]       气化设备内部圆盘抛形孔状导流结构.ZL202010386904.8, 2021

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[12]   一种食品3D打印机的智能热电加热喷头.ZL201810448387.5, 2020.

[13]   一种智能自动球类拣球机. ZL201710712650.2, 2018.

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[15]   一种智能化食品3D热电打印机.ZL201811556781.7

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[1] 2022.07 “智慧能源开拓者,引领绿色低碳发展大学生创新创业大赛校园赛,一等奖;2021.09第八届中国国际互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛上海赛区,铜奖。(指导教师)

[2] 2021.07“传承百年红色基因,助推绿色转型发展大学生创新创业大赛校园赛,一等奖;2020.10“校园能效领跑者,助推绿色转型发展第七届中国国际互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛上海赛区,铜奖;全国挑战杯大赛,铜奖。(指导教师)



[1] ISBN 9787313251039《智慧储能储能关键技术集成及示范》约35万字,2023.12

[2] ISBN 9787560388007《储能原理与技术》30.2万字(十四五重点出版物),2022.9

[3] ISBN 9787576702101《碳基能源高效转化及洁净利用技术》36.8万字(十四五重点出版物)2022.9

[4] ISBN 9787576701159《高等传热学》53.6万字(研究生教材)2022.10

[5] ISBN 9787560392370《能源经济与管理》28.9万字,2021.3


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