


姓名:魏丹                                 职称:副教授

专业:汽车服务工程                 学历层次:博士

办公室地点:行政楼1111      办公电话:67791122






2002-2006 湖南大学,数学与应用数学专业,本科;

2006-2008 湖南大学,运筹学与控制论(图像处理与模式识别),硕士;

2008-2012 湖南大学,控制科学与工程专业(模式识别与智能系统),博士;






[1] Xiaoqiang Hu, Dan Wei, Ziyang Wang. Hypergraph video pedestrian re-identification based on posture structure relationship and action constraints. Pattern Recognition.2021. 111, 107688, SCI期刊

[2] Dan Wei, Xiaoqiang Hu, Ziyang Wang. Pose-Guided Multi-Scale Structural Relationship Learning for Video-Based Pedestrian Re-Identification. IEEE Access.2021. 9, 34845-34858. SCI期刊

[3] Wang Ziyang, Wei Dan*, Hu Xiaoqiang, Luo Yiping. Human skeleton mutual learning for person re-identification. Neurocomputing. 2020, 388, 309-323. SCI期刊

[4] 胡晓强,魏丹,王子阳. 基于时空关注区域的视频行人重识别. 计算机工程. 2020.

[5]王子阳,魏丹,胡晓强,罗一平,方轶. 基于HOG 局部双线性插值的机械零部件检测与识别. 轻工机械. Vol38. No1, 2020.

[6] Dan Wei*. Distributed Compressive Sensing based Near Infrared and Visible Images Fusion for Face Recognition. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2016, 9(4): 281-292 EI期刊

[7] Shutao Li*, Dan Wei. Sampling methods for feature selection on ultrahigh dimensional problems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 2014, 44(6): 737-747 SCI期刊

[8] Dan Wei, Shutao Li*, Mingkui Tan. Graph embedding based feature selection. Neurocomputing. 2012, 93:115-125 SCI期刊

[9] Dan Wei, Shutao Li*, Mingkui Tan. Fast decomposed gradient projection algorithm for sparse representation. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2012, 6(2): 76-84 EI期刊

[10] Dan Wei, Shutao Li. Graph embedding based feature selection. In the 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'11)Shanghai2011, 3: 1967-1971.EI收录

[11] 李树涛,魏丹. 压缩传感综述.自动化学报, 2009, 11(35): 1369-1377. EI期刊

[12]Wei Dan, Ren Xian, Ma Qi Hua. Research on the Construction of Courses of Automotive Electronics and Electrical Appliances Based on the Joint Training Mode of Vocational Schools and Applied Undergraduate Courses. Britain International of Humanties and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal. 2020, 2(1): 1-8.(教研论文)


(1(1)魏丹,王子阳. 一种基于热力图和关键点回归的深度车牌检测方法, 2021.05,中国,专利号:ZL201711250682.1

(2(2)张晓晓,魏丹,马其华. 一种画笔清洗装置, 2020.09, 中国,专利号:ZL 201910221529.9
