姓名:霍元明 职称:副教授
专业:机械工程 学历层次:博士、博士后
中国知网评审专家、上海市科委专家库专家、国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,俄罗斯社科院荣誉教授、海南科技职业大学客座教授、江西新能源科技职业学院客座教授,中国金属学会轧钢分会第八届委员会专家、中国机械工程学会高级会员、中国金属学会会员、塑性工程学会高级会员、Measurement与Journal of Manufacturing Processes与Materials & Design等SCI国际期刊审稿人、《稀有金属材料与工程》中英文版青年编委会编委、《精密成形工程》杂志第二届编委会通讯编委、Viser机械工程学期刊编委、中国有色金属产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会委员、首届贵州博士100生产力论坛核心专家等。
长期从事新材料研发、关键零部件精密成形、多尺度材料建模与仿真与重大装备研发等方面的研究工作。主持或参与横向项目20余项;发表科技论文80余篇,其中在Journal of Materials Processing Technology 、Journal of Manufacturing Processes、JOM等国际期刊发表SCI收录论文近50篇;获授权发明专利15项,授权软件著作权2项。曾在全国塑性加工理论与新技术学术研讨会、中国有色金属学会优秀青年学术论坛等会议获得优秀报告。
[1] 轴承钢球斜轧成形微观组织与塑性损伤演变规律研究,中国博士后科学基金委,2015.11-2017.07,5万,主持;
[2] 钛合金航空紧固件冷镦塑性损伤形成机理研究,国家自然科学基金委,2019.01-2021.12,25万,主持;
[3] 大型轴类楔横轧制机器人化生产线及其应用示范,国家科技部,2019.05-2022.04,50万,参与;
[4] 铝合金紧固件等径角挤压-冷镦复合成形工艺及其形性协同调控机制,国家自然科学基金委员会, 2023.01-2026.12,54万元,参与。
[1] Yuaming Huo*, Cunlong Huo, Xu Ren, Tao He, Seyed Reza Elmi Hosseini, Baoyu Wang, et al, Numerical prediction of microstructure evolution of high-speed railway axle formed using hot cross wedge rolling, Materials Today Communications, 2023, 35: 105985.
[2]Huo, Yuan-ming*; Huo, Cun-long; Tao, He; Hosseini, Seyed Reza Elmi; Gang, Chen; Jia, Chang-yuan; Liu, Ke-ran; Wang, Bao-yu; Du, Xiang-yang, A High-Temperature Strain-Compensated Arrhenius-Type Constitutive Model and an Improved Avrami-Type Dynamic Recrystallization Model of 40CrNiMo, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023.
[3] Huo, Yuanming*; Yu, Wenhan; He, Tao; Hosseini, Seyed Reza Elmi*; Ji, Hongchao; Bai, Jie; Chen, Hao; Zhou, Zixin, Numerical Prediction and Experimental Investigation of Ductile Damage During Cold Upsetting of TC16 Titanium Alloy for Manufacturing Fasteners [J], Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2023, 23(8).
[4] Jie Bai,Yuanming Huo*,Tao He, et al. Modelling of Mechanical Response and Microstructure Evolution of EA4T Steel during Hot Compression Using the Improved Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023.
[5] Xu Ren,Yuanming Huo*,Tao He, et al. Constitutive Model and Cellular Automaton Simulation of the Dynamic Recrystallization of Railway EA4T‐Grade Steel[J]. Steel Research International, 2023, 94.
[6] Xu Ren, Yuanming Huo*, Seyed Reza Elmi Hosseini, Tao He,et al.,A multi-scale modelling by coupling cellular automata with finite element method and its application on cross-wedge rolling[J], Materials Today Communications, 2023,106976.
[7] Yuanming Huo*, Changyuan Jia, Tao He, et al. Numerical prediction of ductile damage evolution of 40CrNiMo railway axle steel during hot cross wedge rolling[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 33: 104942.
[8] Yuanming Huo*,Wanbo Yang,Tao He, et al. A Novel Unified Visco-Plastic Damage Constitutive Model Considering Stress State of TC16 Titanium Alloy during Cold Deformation[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022, 32: 4522-4540.
[8] Tao He; Valery Zhylinski; Alexey Vereschaka; Vadzim Chayeuski; Huo Yuanming*, Comparison of the Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of the Cr-CrN, Ti-TiN, Zr-ZrN, and Mo-MoN Coatings, Coatings, 2023, 13(4).
[9]Davoud Khademi,Hamidreza Ezatpour,Yuanming Huo. The effect of electrospinning time on the structure and mechanical properties of TiO2 continuous nanofibers reinforced aluminum matrix composites[J]. Ceramics International, 2023, 49: 33804-33817.
[10] Jie Bai,Yuanming Huo*,Tao He, et al. Comparison of Five Different Models Predicting the Hot Deformation Behavior of EA4T Steel[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022, 31: 8169-8182.
[11] Changyuan Jia,Yuanming Huo*,Tao He, et al. A Review: Double Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Constitutive Model of High-Speed Train Axle Steel 40CrNiMo during Hot Tension[J]. Jom, 2022, 74: 1798-1806.
[12] Wanbo Yang,Yuanming Huo*,Tao He,et al. Microstructure Evolution of TC16 Titanium Alloy for Producing Aerospace Fasteners During Cold Compression[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2022, 51(02): 386-391.
[13] Menglan Shen,Yuanming Huo*,Tao He, et al. Comparison of two constitutive modelling methods in application of TC16 alloy at the elevated deformation temperature[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 24: 101053.
[14] Yuanming Huo*,Tao He,Baoyu Wang, et al. Numerical Prediction and Experimental Validation of the Microstructure of Bearing Steel Ball Formation in Warm Skew Rolling[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a, 2020, 51: 1254-1263.
[15] Yuanming Huo*,Tao He,Shoushuang Chen, et al. Microstructure evolution and unified constitutive equations for the elevated temperature deformation of SAE 52100 bearing steel[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 44: 113-124.
[16] Tao He,Yuanming Huo,Xiaojun Shi, et al. Modeling of Carbide Spheroidization Mechanism of 52100 Bearing Steel Under Warm Forming Conditions[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a, 2018, 50: 936-946.
[17]Huo, Yuanming; He, Tao; Xue, Yong; Shen, Menglan; Yang, Wanbo; Hu, Yujia, Ductile fracture and microstructure of a bearing steel in hot tension, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 2020, 27(2): 382-388.
[18] Yuanming Huo*,Tao He,Shoushuang Chen, et al. Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Bearing Steel 52100 During Warm Compression[J]. Jom, 2018, 70: 1112-1117.
[19] Tao He, Yuanming Huo. A New Damage Evolution Model for Cold Forging of Bearing Steel-Balls[J]. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2017, 71: 1175-1183.
[20] Yuanming Huo, Jianguo Lin, Qian Bai, et al. Prediction of microstructure and ductile damage of a high-speed railway axle steel during cross wedge rolling[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 239: 359-369.
[21]Huo, Yuanming; Bai, Qian; Wang, Baoyu; Lin, Jianguo; Zhou, Jing, A new application of unified constitutive equations for cross wedge rolling of a high-speed railway axle steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 223: 274-283.
[22] Huo Yuanming; Wang Baoyu; Lin Jianguo; Bai Qian; Ji Hongchao; Tang Xuefeng, Hot compression deformation behavior and microstructure evolution rule of a high-speed railway axle steel, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 2017, 24(6): 447-454.
[23]Huo Yuanming; Wang Baoyu; Lin Jianguo; Jiang Yang; Zhou Jing, Modeling of austenitic grain growth of 25CrMo4 steel for the high-speed railway axle during hot working, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 2014, 21(4): 371-378.
[24] Jianye Gao, Tao He, Yuanming Huo, Miao song, et al., Comparison of Modified Mohr–Coulomb Model and Bai–Wierzbicki Model for Constructing 3D Ductile Fracture Envelope of AA6063, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2021, 34(1): 35.
[25] Huo Yuanming; Wang Baoyu; Lin Jianguo; Zhou Jing, Damage mechanisms research for the high-speed railway axle steel 25CrMo4 during hot cross wedge rolling, Journal of Northeastern University, 2013, 34(11): 1625-1629.
[1]白杰,霍元明,任旭等. 一种老人康复轮椅[P]. 上海市:CN113171239B,2022-12-20.
[2]陈港,霍元明,任旭等. 一种仿蛙式水下探测机器人[P]. 上海市:CN114572371B,2022-12-06.
[3]霍元明,任旭,卞志远等. 一种用于型材弯曲设备的自动上料自动导引小车[P]. 上海市:CN113245457B,2022-11-01.
[4]霍元明,贾昌远,刘克然等. 前置式双行间距可调烟草拔杆除土收集一体机[P]. 上海市:CN111247948B,2021-06-11.
[8]霍元明,杨万博,胡玉佳等. 一种医用洁净台[P]. 上海市:CN109847467B,2021-01-26.
[9]杨万博,霍元明,胡玉佳等. 一种多功能磨床集尘器装置[P]. 上海市:CN110039451B,2020-06-26.
[10]贾昌远,霍元明,刘克然等. 小麦联合收割机的风力结构式除尘系统[P]. 上海市:CN111213481A,2020-06-02.
[11]霍存龙,霍元明,贾昌远等. 一种多功能医用辅助行走防摔装置[P]. 上海市:CN111202661A,2020-05-29.
[12]霍元明,沈梦蓝,杨万博等. 一种多功能蹲坐两用便器装置[P]. 上海市:CN109653326A,2019-04-19.
[13]王宝雨,霍元明. 一种用于滚筒式钢球淬火装置的智能控制系统[P]. 北京:CN205473906U,2016-08-17.
[14]王宝雨,霍元明. 一种用于滚筒式钢球淬火装置的智能控制系统及方法[P]. 北京:CN105695730A,2016-06-22.
[15]王宝雨,霍元明. 一种用于斜轧钢球在线连续淬火的滚筒式装置[P]. 北京:CN105671294A,2016-06-15.
[17]白杰,霍元明,何涛等.基于实验数据自动生成本构模型软件 V1.0.上海市:2021SR1172710,2021-05-17.