CETC IntelligentRobotics Modern Industry Academy Invites German Expert for Academic Lecture



OnApril 8, 2024, the CETC Intelligent Robotics Modern Industry Academy, incollaboration with CETC 21st Research Institute, invited Mr. Kock, GeneralManager of Kock Technology GmbH in Germany and co-inventor of the new linearrobotics technology, to deliver an academic lecture titled "GermanSolutions for New Linear Robotics." The lecture was hosted by ChenSaixuan, Deputy Director of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering. Facultymembers, graduate students in related fields, and undergraduate students fromthe Industry Academy attended the lecture in person.

Mr.Kock, a renowned expert in linear robotics, graduated from the prestigiousUniversity of Passau in Bavaria, Germany, known for its excellence in researchand innovative teaching. His company, Kock Technology GmbH, specializes inmilling for automotive industrial design and is considered a hidden champion inthis field. Building on extensive experience in large-scale design milling andscanning solutions, Mr. Kock collaborated with research teams from RWTH AachenUniversity and Roboworks Industrial Company to develop the latest, simplest,and most efficient linear robotics solutions in Germany, Europe, and the US.This groundbreaking work has redefined the standards for linear robots, creatinga new concept in this domain through innovations in materials, processes, andstructures. The company participated in the globally renowned MunichInternational Automation Expo in both 2022 and 2023, earning the Silver Awardfor Technological Innovation.


Inthis academic lecture, Mr. Kock provided an overview of the current state andfuture of the global linear robotics industry. He highlighted the advantagesand unique features of linear robotics technology compared to traditionalindustrial robotics. He also discussed the primary application scenarios forthe new RW linear robots, shared implementation cases of RW linear robots inEurope, and emphasized that China is poised to become the largest applicationmarket for these new linear robotics solutions.

Afterthe lecture, the faculty and students engaged in a lively discussion with Mr.Kock on topics such as AI and robotics, the future market for robotics, and theapplication prospects of linear robotics.

Thisacademic lecture proved to be highly beneficial for all attendees. Students inthe field of robotics, in particular, expressed that they gained valuableinsights into cutting-edge knowledge and domestic and international applicationcases. This aligns with the founding mission of the CETC Intelligent RoboticsIndustry Academy, which aims to strengthen collaboration between academia andindustry and provide students with effective pathways to bridge theoreticallearning and practical application.