The SchoolCollaborates with CETC 21st Research Institute for Party Branch Co-BuildingActivities



Tofurther consolidate the outcomes of disciplinary education and fully leveragethe leadership role of Party building, a Party branch co-building activitybetween the School and CETC 21st Research Institute was held on the afternoonof October 10 in the 8B604 conference room of the Modern Traffic EngineeringCenter.

Theevent was attended by Wu Xiaoli, Secretary of the First Management Joint PartyBranch and Director of the Comprehensive Management Department (Party-Mass WorkDepartment) at CETC 21st Research Institute, as well as Wu Shunjie, Secretaryof the Second Management Joint Party Branch and Director of the Human ResourcesDepartment. Jiang Chunlei, Secretary of the Party Branch for the School’sAdministrative Office and Experimental Center Services, led Party members fromtheir respective branches in participating in the event.

Additionally,Zhu Zina, Secretary of the Mechanical and Electronic Engineering DepartmentParty Branch, and Liu Miaomiao, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, werealso present at the activity.

Duringthe event, both parties provided detailed introductions to their respectiveorganizations and the basic status of grassroots Party building. They sharedtheir unique approaches to Party branch development, particularly in the areaof disciplinary education. A focused discussion was held to analyze theshortcomings encountered in the construction of the Modern Robotics IndustryAcademy, and the key tasks for the next phase were clearly identified.

Additionally,both sides explored how to strengthen the integration of Party and Youth Leagueteams, leveraging Party building to guide the development of Youth Leagueorganizations. They discussed mechanisms to enhance the role of Youth Leagueorganizations in leading young people to serve broader strategic objectives.

Bothparties expressed their commitment to using this Party branch co-buildingactivity as an opportunity to establish a long-term mechanism for mutualsupport and learning, with the construction of the Intelligent RoboticsIndustry Academy as a starting point. They emphasized the importance ofdeepening exchange and cooperation, leveraging the synergistic effects of Partybuilding, and promoting the integration of Party building efforts with businessoperations.

Afterthe event, Party members from the First and Second Management Joint PartyBranches of CETC 21st Research Institute visited the CollegesStudent Innovation Base.