College and Intelligent New Energy Vehicle EnterprisesCarry Out Industry-University Cooperation and Exchange Activities



In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the NationalEducation Congress, further implement the school industry-universitycooperation education model, continue to optimize the vehicle engineeringdisciplines and specialties of industry-teaching fusion nurturing platform,dynamic support disciplines and specialties of the iterative cultivation ofhuman resources capacity new requirements, the afternoon of November 28th, theCollege Vice President Liu Xintian, Director of the Department of AutomotiveEngineering Liu Fei, teachers and other representatives of the line of sixpeople went to the same harness in Shanghai automotive, the first Zhi newenergy vehicles and other companies to Carry out the exchange ofindustry-academia cooperation. The chairman of the board of directors ofTongjia Automobile, the chairman of the board of directors of Shouzhi Automobileand the main person in charge participated in the exchange activities.


At the exchange meeting, the person in charge of the enterprisepointed out that talent is the first resource for enterprise development andtechnology is the first productive force, and the enterprise will join handswith the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering to build a new mode ofindustry-academia cooperation and multi-level talent cultivation throughresource sharing and complementing each other's strengths, so as to promote themutual development of the two sides.


Prof. Liu Xintian, Vice President of the College, introduced indetail the fruitful achievements of the College in recent years in theconstruction of academic disciplines, student training and other aspects, aswell as the College's teaching and research situation and faculty strength,emphasizing that the College will take this cooperation and exchange as anopportunity to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with intelligentnew energy and new forces of the car enterprises, to provide students with moreopportunities for practice, and to cultivate high-caliber vehicle engineeringand technology talents in line with the needs of the industrial technologyecosystem. The participating teachers discussed and exchanged ideas with someleaders of the enterprises on deepening school-enterprise cooperation.


Next step, the college will give full play to the college'sadvantages in education, science and technology, talent and other aspects,continue to deepen the exchange and cooperation with the new forces ofintelligent new energy vehicles enterprises, to promote the effectivecooperation of industry-academia synergistic talent cultivation, and to promotethe development of discipline-specialized talent cultivation and theintegration of the needs of enterprise talent.


Before the meeting, the college team visited the R&D andproduction site of the enterprise, and visited the representatives of graduatestudents who participated in internship in the enterprise.