


姓名:邓胜祥             职称教授(三级)、博士生导师

专业:能源动力工程      学历层次:工学博士

办公室地点8号楼       办公电话15874137307




















现任教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心博士学位论文评审专家、Frontiers in Energy ResearchIF: 3.858) 的客座主编IEEE会员、国际权威期刊Energy Conversion and Management、Energy、国际期刊Journal of Combustion论文特邀评阅人Reviewer,国际期刊Journal of Combustion、Technology and investment、Sustainable Materials and Technologies,Decision Analytics 特邀撰稿人,《中国科技论文在线》特聘专家,全国石油和化学工业仪表技术委员会委员,湖南省发改委节能专家,中国铝业电解铝节能技术专家,长沙山水节能研究院有限公司系统节能专业首席科学家兼MOAR项目总顾问,湖南省、浙江省、河北省、广东省、江西省自然科学类咨询评审专家,第二届能源与环境国际学术会议组委会主席,2012能源分布式控制与智能环境监测国际会议组委会主席,2022智能能源国际会议组委会主席




[1] 优化配置调度人工智能算法平台开发佛山市玖章智能科技有限公司2021.12-2023.12,主持


[3]马来西亚齐力铝厂Press Metal Bintulu Sdn Bhd 400KA电解系列三场测试技术服务,马来西亚齐力铝业,2021.5-2022.12,主持








[11] 煅烧系统能质/时序调控及关键装备技术(2018YFB0605902),国家重点研发计划子课题,2018-2021,主持

[12] 锂电池正极材料单位产品能源消耗限额及计算方法国家行业标准制订,工信部,2019-2020,主持

[13] 数据中心运行能效限额及节能监测方法等两项标准制订,湖南省,2018-2019,主持

[14] 食用植物油单位产品能源消耗限额及计算方法,湖南省,2017,主持

[15] 工业锅炉运行能效限定值及节能监测技术要求,湖南省,2017,主持

[16] 工业节能监察创新机制与“十三五”推进计划研究,中国工业企业能效促进项目,2016-2017,主持

[17] 三板水电厂水下高性能修补材料及工艺的研究与应用,2017-2018,主持

[18] 金觉峰风电场工程节能评估、规划选址、水土保持及可研报告评审.校企合作,2016-2017,主持

[19] 桂阳方元风电场工程节能评估、规划选址、水土保持及可研报告评审.校企合作,2016-2017,主持

[20] 湖南金炉科技ITO靶材大型气氛烧结炉国产化研制项目检测评估,2016,主持

[21] 株冶水泵节能项目能源评估. 校企合作,2016,主持

[22] 湖南省工业节能与综合利用“十三五”发展战略研究.湖南省经信委, 2015-2016,主持

[23] 金属熔体内部温度测试新方法研究,中国博士点博导基金,2013-2016,主持

[24] 基于可视化仿真的窑炉传热传质过程中重要工艺参数的测试机理研究,教育部,2013-2014,主持

[25] 新型高强环保铝合金熔炼过程物理场研究,湖南省科技计划项目(2014GK3150),2014-2016,主持

[26] 多层隧道式食品干燥设备节能技术研究,校企合作,2015-2016,主持

[27] 京缆电缆有限公司环保节能电缆开发,校企合作,2015-2018,主持

[28] 新化维山等风电场工程节能评估报告编制及审批,校企合作,2015-2016,主持

[29] 石灰炉热工仿真诊断与智能控制节能的应用研究,湖南省科技计划重点项目 (2011GK2017), 2011-2013,主持

[30] 铝电解槽槽壳温度在线检测、槽膛内形仿真及专家诊断系统的开发与应用,湖南省科技计划重点项目,2011-2013

[31] 未来能源科学技术发展过程中煤焦油、废机油、废润滑油等劣质油替代工业燃料油的研究,中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目,2010-2011,主持

[32] 节能环保卫生洁具辊道窑应用基础研究,湖南省自然科学基金(12JJ9040/12JJ9017), 2012-2014,主持

[33] 可视化仿真技术在工业节能中的开发与应用,长沙市科技局(K1205022-11),2012-2013,主持

[34] 熟料窑系统热工测定及节能潜力优化研究,中国铝业,2013-2016,主持

[35] 新能源示范城市与示范工业园区规划编制,湖南省电力规划研究中心2012-2013,主持

[36] 山水节能 MOAR系统节能理论及技术应用,校企合作,2014-2017,主持

[37] 新型导流结构铝电解槽技术创新及产业化示范工程项目能源审计,中国铝业,2013-2014,主持

[38] 新邵龙山风电场工程节能评估报告,中电投湖南中水投资有限公司,2014,主持

[39] 长沙市新能源与可再生能源利用服务平台及监督体系的研究与建设,长沙市能源局,2013-2016

[40] 稠油提炼轻质燃料油系统主要热工设备热计算与合理性研究,校企合作,2013-2015,主持

[41] 熔盐相变蓄热材料热物性测试新方法的研究,国家自然科学基金委(50876116),2009.01-2011.12

[42] 再生铝系统仿真优化研究.马来西亚-联合项目2013-2014.

[43] 铝锭浇铸分汤包结构仿真优化研究.马来西亚-联合项目2014-2015.


[1] Yang,JB., Deng, SX*., Xu,H., Zhao, Y., Nie, CD., He YJ. Investigation and Practical Application of Silica Nanoparticles  Composite Underwater Repairing Materials: Energies, 202104:14. (SCI,IF=3.004,Q3) 

[2] Nie, C., Deng, S*., &Liu, J., Numerical investigation on latent heat storage enhancement using a gradient-concentration nanoparticles phase change material: Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 197: 117360. (SCI,IF=5.295,Q2)

[3] Chen B, Ye X, Shen J, Wang S, Deng SX*, Yang JB. Investigations on the energy efficiency limits for industrial boiler operation and technical requirements—taking China's Hunan province as an example: Energy, 2021,220:119672. (SCI,IF=7.147,Q3)

[4] Nie, C., Liu, J., Deng, S*. Effect of geometry modification on the thermal response of composite metal foam/phase change material for thermal energy storage: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 165: 120652. (SCI,IF=5.584,Q1)

[5] Cong Shi , Sha Wang*, Xiang Ge, Shengxiang Deng*, Bin Chen, Jun Shen. A review of different catalytic systems for dry reforming of methane: Conventional catalysis-alone and plasma-catalytic system: Journal of CO2 Utilization, 202146101462. (SCI,IF=7.132,Q3)

[6] Hang Zhang*Bo PangShimin Kang*Jinxia FuPeifeng TangJie ChangJietai LiZhilin Li, Shengxiang Deng*. The influence of feedstock stacking shape on the drying performance of conveyor belt dryer: Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022,58(1):157-170. (SCI,IF=2.464,Q3)

[7] Hua Guo, Shengxiang Deng,* , Jinbiao Yang , Jiangwei Liu, Changda Nie. Analysis and prediction of industrial energy conservation in underdeveloped regions of China using a data pre-processing grey model. Energy Policy, 2020,139:111244. (SCI,IF=6.142,Q1)

[8] Nie, C., Liu, J., Deng, S*. Effect of geometric parameter and nanoparticles on PCM melting in a vertical shell-tube system: Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 184: 116290. (SCI,IF=5.295,Q2)

[9] Nie, C., Deng, S., Liu, J*. Effects of fins arrangement and parameters on the consecutive melting and solidification of PCM in a latent heat storage unit: Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 29: 101319. (SCI,IF=3.762,Q2)

[10] Nie, C., Deng, S., Guo, H., Liu, J*. Effects of partially thermally active walls on simultaneous charging and discharging of paraffin wax in a square cavity: Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 202: 112201. (SCI,IF=11.35,Q1)

[11] Deng Shengxiang*, Nie Changda, et al. Evaluation and optimization of thermal performance for a finned double tube latent heat thermal energy storage. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.3 (SCI, IF=4.346, Q1)

[12] Deng Shengxiang*, Nie Changda, et al. Improving the melting performance of a horizontal shell-tube latent-heat thermal energy storage unit using local enhanced finned tube. Energy & Buildings, 2019.1. (SCI, IF=4.495, Q1)高倍引论文

[13] Zhang Hang, Deng Shengxiang*, Cao Xiaoling. Density functional theory investigation of gasification mechanism of a lignin dimer with β-5 linkage. Renewable Energy, 2018. (SCI, IF=4.357, Q1)

[14] Zhang Hang, Deng Shengxiang*. Numerical simulation of moisture-heat coupling in belt dryer and structure optimization. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 127:292-301. (SCI, IF=3.634, Q1)

[15] Zhang Hang, Deng Shengxiang*. Evaluating heat flux profiles in aluminum reheating furnace with regenerative burner. Energies, 2017, 10(4):562-577. (SCI, IF=2.262, Q2)

[16] Zhang Hang, Deng Shengxiang*. Effect of material pile on the comprehensive performance of the belt dryer. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2017, in review. (SCI, IF=0.835, Q3)

[17] Zhang Hehui, Deng Shengxiang, Qu Yingjie. Numerical investigation of efficiency periodic fluctuation behavior of centrifugal pump at different working points [J]. Energies, 2017, 10(3): en10030342.(SCI, Q2)

[18] Zhang Hehui, Deng Shengxiang, Qu Yingjie, Differential amplification method for flow structures analysis of centrifugal pump between design and off-design points [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2017, 24(6): 14431449.(SCI,Q3)

[19] Zhang Hehui, Deng Shengxiang, Qu Yingjie. High working efficiency of rapid custom design [J]. World Pumps, 2016, 3: 34-36.(EI)

[20] Zhang Hehui, Deng Shengxiang, Qu Yingjie. Sealing performance simulation [J]. World Pumps.(EI,In Press)

[21] Zhang Hang, Deng Shengxiang. Calculation and validation of moisture uniformity in drying process based on Shannon-Wiener index [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2016, 32(20): 290-297.(EI)

[22] Zhang Hang, Deng Shengxiang*,Tian Hong, Cao Xiaoling. Mechanism of Xylose Pyrolysis to Furfural Based on Density Function Theory[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica , 2017, 33(2):356-363. (EI)

[23] Zhang Hang, Deng Shengxiang*,Tian Hong, Cao Xiaoling. Density Functional Theory of Gasification Reaction of Lignan Model Compound With β-5 Linkage. Acta Petrolei Sinica., 2017, 33(5):975-984. (EI)

[24] Deng Shengxiang*,Chen Gang,Chen Guibao,Comparison of calculation methods for wind shear exponent in complex terrain at altitude above 1000 meters, Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,2015,31(6): 218-222.(EI,CSCD)

[25] Cao Xiaoling, Zhang Hang,DENG Shengxiang*,Tang Shibin,Xiong Jiajia,etc.,Theoretical study on gasification of β-1 type lignin dimer with high temperature steam,Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2014,42(7):813-819.(CSCD)

[26] Chao Xiaoling, Xiong Jiajia, Deng Shengxiang*, Zhang Hang,etc., Research on the Microscopic Mechanism of Hemicellulose Pyrolysis Reaction, Journal of Zhongzhou University,2014,31(4):113-117.(CSCD)

[27] Deng Shengxiang*, Zhou Jing, Tang Wenwu, Numerical simulation of combustion characteristics of coal tar, Energy Engineering, 2013,4:61-64.

[28] Deng Shengxiang*, Deng Jia, Xie Qingsong, Li Xinhui, A Study of Optimization of Processing Parameters of Prebaked Cell for Aluminum-Reduction Based on Genetic Algorithm, Computer Measurement & Control, 2012,20(7):1849-1885.(EI,CSCD)

[29] Deng Shengxiang*, Ma Heping, Xie Qingsong, Zhou Jiemin, Zhou Ping, Lin Yi, A study of on-line simulation and cell condition diagnosis expert system of prebaked cell for aluminum reduction, Computer Measurement & Control, 2011,19(8):1850-1852.(EI,CSCD)

[30] Deng Shengxiang*, Xie Qingsong, An experimental study of thermophysical properties of alloy near melting point by a novel method, 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2012:157-159.(EI)

[31] Deng Shengxiang*, Deng Jia, Xie Qingsong, Li Xinhui, Preliminary study on the soft sensor model of current efficiency of prebaked aluminium reduction cells, Light Metal,2012,4:29-37. (CSCD)

[32] Deng Shengxiang*,Zhou Jiemin.,An experimental study of the effect of water content on combustion of coal tar/water emulsion droplets,Energy,2011,36(10):6130-6137. (SCI, Q1)

[33] Deng Shengxiang*,Xie Qingsong,Zhou Jiemin,A lime shaft kiln diagnostic expert system based on holographic monitoring and real-time simulation,Expert Systems with Applications,2011,38(12):15400-15408. (SCI, Q1)

[34] Deng Shengxiang*, Zhou Jiemin,An estimation of thermophysical properties of alloy near melting point by a novel method.ICEET2010. 2010.12.(EI)

[35] Deng Shengxiang*, Zhou Jiemin,A Study of a fuzzy controller on flue gas temperature of limekiln. ISDEA2010.2010.10.(EI)

[36] Deng Shengxiang*, Zhou Jiemin, An estimation of thermophysical properties of alloy near melting point by a novel method.ICEET2010. 2010.12:163-166.(EI)

[37] Liu Li,Deng Shengxiang*,Experimental Study of Producing 5N High Purity Aluminum by Segregation Method. ISDEA2012. 2012:259-261.(EI)

[38] Deng Shengxiang*, Zhou Jiemin,Development and Application of a Novel Kind of Burner. 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology. 94-96.(EI)

[39] Deng Shengxiang*, Zhou Jiemin,Development and Application of a System of Surplus Heat Utilization of Waste Steam. 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology. 97-100.(EI)

[40] Deng, Shengxiang*, Tang, WenWu, Zhou, JieMin. Research and Practice on Automatical Feeding Materials System of Limekiln, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, April 2008, Vol. 29 S4, pp.284-286.(in Chinese).(CSCD)

[41] Deng, Shengxiang*, Tang, Wenwu, Zhou, Jiemin, Research on a Novel Automatic Measurement Method for Aluminium Reduction Cell Shell Temperature, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, April 2008, Vol. 29 S4,pp.541-543.(in Chinese)

[42] Deng, Shengxiang*, Zhou, Jiemin, Application and Design of Condensed Water Reclamation and Waste Water Recovery System in a Power Workshop, Energy Engineering, May 2007, S5, pp.61-64.(in Chinese)(CSCD)

[43] Deng, Shengxiang*, Zhou, Jiemin, Research on On-line Simulation and Hologram Monitor of Limekiln, Industrial Furnace, March 2006, Vol. 28 S2, pp.10-15.(in Chinese)

[44] Deng, Shengxiang*, Zhou, Jiemin, Development and Application of the Limekiln Status Diagnoses and the Multi-model Integrating Intelligent Control System, Computer Measurement & Control, January 2002, Vol. 10 S1, pp.29-41.(in Chinese)

[45] Deng, Shengxiang*, Zhou, Jiemin, Chen, Zhiqiang, Research and Application of a Novel Type of Burner, Energy for Metallurgical Industry, May 2001, Vol. 20 S5, pp.35-49.(in Chinese)

[46] Deng, Shengxiang*, Zhou, Jiemin, Gao, Jianfeng, The Utilization of Waste Steam and Improvement of Water Adding System in Gold source Hotel, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings: Ventilation and Thermal Systems, 2-5 October, Changsha, Hunan, China, pp.1507-1513. (EI)

[47] Zhou Jiemin, Yang Ying, Deng Shengxiang*, Yi Zhengmin, etc., Heat transfer in high density electronics packaging, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2001,8(4):278-282.(EI)

[48] Deng, Shengxiang*, Zhou, Jiemin, Principle and Practice on Pump Replacing Emulsifier in Emulsion Combustion of Bunker Oil Mixed with Water, Modern Energy Conservation, August 1998, Vol. 14 S4,pp.11-12.(in Chinese)


[1]邓胜祥等. 一种水库深水混凝土面板脱开裂缝修补方法. 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL 2018 1 1345881.5,授权日: 2021.2.2

[2]邓胜祥等. 一种基于密度差异的油水分离装置及其方法. 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL 2018 1 1505305.2,授权日: 2021.11.26

[3] 邓胜祥等. 一种碳化炉可燃废气燃烧热量回收装置. 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201710483716.5,申请日: 2017.06.23

[4] 邓胜祥等.一种熔铸厂冷却水热量回收方法及其装置. 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201710333411.6,申请日: 2017.05.12

[5] 邓胜祥等.一种食品烘干装置. 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201610823272.0,申请日: 2016.09.14

[6] 邓胜祥等.一种卧式碳管炉废气余热回收系统及其使用方法.国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201610545948.4,申请日: 2016.07.12

[7] 邓胜祥等. 一种适于阳极焙烧炉的顶部保温装置. 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201610250560.1,申请日: 2016.04.21.

[8] 邓胜祥,谢青松等.一种适于回转窑高温带的外保温装置, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201410244525.X,授权公告日:2015.10.28.

[9] 邓胜祥,杨敬飚,陈桂宝,谢青松等. 一种自冷耐高温阀, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201310726044.8,授权公告日:2016.1.20.

[10] 邓胜祥,谌盈盈,张翮辉,许文浒,张炜,李长欣,贾书东等. 一种焦炉荒煤气火焰炉窑系统, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201510577470.9,申请日:2015.9.11.

[11] 邓胜祥,贺真,白龙,宫天丰,陈刚等. 一种竖炉球团熟料余热回收的方法及其装置, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN201510260232.5,授权公告日: 2016.11.30

[12] 金立叶,周孑民,蒋炜,邓胜祥等. 一种以煤焦油作为煤粉锅炉启动点火燃料的方法, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN200910172416.0,授权公告日: 2012.11.07.

[13] 邓胜祥等. 一种空气热源与乏汽余热互补的热水制造方法, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN200810031352.8,申请日:2008.05.21.

[14]邓胜祥,周孑民. 一种适于互不相溶液体的零搅拌混合装置, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN200810031079.9,授权公告日: 2010.09.08.

[15] 蒋绍坚,艾元芳,彭好义,邓胜祥等. 一种处理低热值燃料的气化方法及其装置, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN02150100.9,授权公告日: 2005.02.23.

[16] 周孑民,彭好义,邓胜祥. 一种石灰立窑用复合型煤粘结剂, 国家发明专利, 申请号: CN200710034875.3,授权公告日: 2007.04.30.


[1] 杰出科技人才奖,中国石油和化工自动化行业科学技术奖,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会,2023.

[2] 能源高效利用与减碳装备与技术开发及产业化应用,中国科技产业化促进会(科技部),科技成果产业化二等奖,排第一,2022.

[3] 有色冶金工业炉窑节能技术开发与应用,中国有色金属工业科学技术奖,科技进步一等奖,排第一,2021

[4] 易于加装的竖直轴风力发电装置,首届全国大学生可再生能源科技竞赛二等奖,指导教师,2018.

[5] 适于单一太阳能路灯的快装风力发电装置,全国大学生节能减排竞赛三等奖,指导教师,2018.

[6] 优秀班导师奖,2017.

[7] 高效油水分离装置,中南大学节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖,2017

[8] 第九届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛二等奖,指导教师,2016.

[9] 西南铝优秀教师奖,2015.

[10] 第八届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖,列阵式风力发电系统,指导教师,2015.

[11] 国家能源科技进步三等奖,改质燃烧与热综合利用节能技术开发与应用,第一完成人,2013.

[12] 湖南省科学技术进步二等奖,基于改质燃烧与热回收利用的节能技术开发与应用,第一完成人 ,2012.

[13] 第三届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖,一种新型廉价燃料油的开发与应用,指导教师,2010.

[14] 湖南省科技进步三等奖, 基于计算机仿真的工业窑炉节能技术开发与应用,第二完成人,2008.

[15] 中国有色金属工业科学技术二等奖, 铝电解槽壳温度在线检测与初晶温度检测技术开发与应用,主要完成人,2007.

[16] 中国有色金属工业科学技术三等奖,石灰炉仿真技术开发与应用,主要完成人, 2001.