姓名:杨方 职称:副教授
专业:能源与动力工程 学历层次:博士研究生
2015.09 ~ 至今 上海工程技术大学,机械与汽车工程学院,讲师/副教授;
2021.09 ~2022.06 同济大学,暖通空调及燃气研究所,访问学者;
2010.09 ~ 2015.06 东华大学,环境科学与工程学院,工学博士(硕博连读);
2006.09 ~2010.07 南京师范大学,动力工程学院,工学学士。
1. 真实风环境中街区与临街建筑室内气流流动耦合作用的研究,上海高校青年教师培养资助计划,主持;
2. 街道峡谷内风环境和空气质量的研究,上海工程技术大学科研启动项目,主持;
3. 基于传热强化的太阳能PV/T系统性能优化研究,上海工程技术大学机械与汽车工程学院青年博士培育专项,主持;
4. 临街建筑窗户开启率对街谷内空气环境影响的研究,中央高校研究生创新基金项目,主持;
5. 冷等离子体催化CH4/CO2重整与油页岩干馏耦合制油规律及机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,主要成员。
1. 深冷冰箱保温仿真模拟及测试,企业课题,主持;
2. 涡流纺纱喷嘴气流组织数值模拟计算,企业课题,主持;
3. 喷涂工艺C型模拟舱应力计算,企业课题,主持;
4. 一种太阳能发电及热量再利用系统,成果转化,主持。
1.Cen Ze, Yang Fang*(通讯作者), Wan Jie, Xu Kaibing.F-doped NiCo2O4@CoMoO4 as an advancedelectrode for aqueous Zn-ion batteries. ChemicalCommunication, 2023, 59(56): 8708-8710. (中科院1区)
2.Cen Ze, Yang Fang*(通讯作者),Wan Jie, Xu Kaibing. The in situ construction of oxygen-vacancy-rich NiCo2S4@NiMoO4/Ni2Pmultilevel nanoarrays for high-performance aqueous Zn-ion batteries. New Journal of Chemistry,2022, 46(14): 6587-6595. (中科院3区)
3.Liu Jingjing, Li Wenyao*, Cui Zhe, Li Jiaojiao, Yang Fang*(通讯作者),Huang Liping, Ma Caiyu, Zeng Min. CoMn phosphideencapsulated in nitrogen-doped graphene for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolutionover a broad pH range. Chemical Communication,2021, 57: 2400-2403.(中科院1区)
4.Zhang Ke, Cen Ze, Yang Fang*(通讯作者),Xu Kaibing. Rational construction of NiCo2O4@Fe2O3core-shell nanowire arrays for high-performance supercapacitors. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2021,31(1): 19-24. (中科院2区)
5.Yang Fang, Zhang Ke, Cen Ze, Xu Kaibing. Rational construction ofmultidimensional oxygen-deficient Co3O4nanosheet/nanowire arrays as high-performance electrodes for aqueous Zn-ionbatteries and asymmetric supercapacitors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021,879: 160439. (中科院2区)
6.Yang Fang, Shen Yuenian, Cen Ze, et al. In situ construction ofheterostructured bimetallic sulfide/phosphide with rich interfaces forhigh-performance aqueous Zn-ion batteries. Science China Materials. 2021, 65(2):356-363. (中科院1区)
7.Zhang Ke, Ye Xiao, Shen Yuenian, Cen Ze, Xu Kaibing*, Yang Fang*(通讯作者).Interface engineering of Co3O4 nanowire arrays withultrafine NiO nanowires for high-performance rechargeable alkaline batteries. Dalton Transactions,2020, 49, 8582-8590. (中科院2区)
8.Yang Fang, Zhang Ke, Li Wenyao, Xu Kaibing. Structure-designed synthesisof hierarchical NiCo2O4@NiO composites forhigh-performance supercapacitors. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2019, 556: 386-391. (中科院1区)
9.Shen Yuenian, Zhang Ke, Chen Boheng, Yang Fang*(通讯作者),Xu Kaibing*, Lu Xihong*. Enhancing the electrochemical performance of nickelcobalt sulfides hollow nanospheres by structural modulation for asymmetricsupercapacitors. Journal of Colloid andInterface Science, 2019, 557: 135-143. (中科院1区)
10.Yang Fang, Xu Kaibing, Hu Junqing. Hierarchical multicomponent electrodewith NiMoO4 nanosheets coated on Co3O4nanowire arrays for enhanced electrochemical properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,781: 1127-1131. (中科院1区)
11.Yang Fang, Xu Kaibing, Hu Junqing. Construction of Co3O4@Fe2O3core-shell nanowire arrays electrode for supercapacitors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,729: 1172-1176. (中科院1区)
12.Yang Fang, Fang Zhu, Xu Kaibing, Yang Jianmao, Hu Junqing. NixCo3-xS4@NiCo2O4hybrid composites as supercapacitors electrode material. Material Letter, 2017, 191:101-104. (中科院1区)
13.Yang Fang, Zhong Ke, Chen Yonghang, Kang Yanming. Simulations of theimpacts of building height layout on air quality in natural-ventilated roomsaround street canyons. EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 23620-23635. (中科院3区)
14.Yang Fang, Gao Yongwei, Zhong Ke*, Kang Yanming. Impacts ofcross-ventilation on the air quality in street canyons with different buildingarrangements. Building and Environment,2016, 104: 1-12. (中科院1区)
15.Yang Fang, Kang Yanming, Gao Yongwei, Zhong Ke. Numerical simulations ofthe effect of outdoor pollutants on indoor air quality of buildings next to astreet canyon. Building and Environment,2015, 87: 10-22. (中科院1区)
4. 2015年东华大学“优秀毕业生”;东华大学“优秀博士学位论文”。