IWAMA 2022


IWAMA 2022

12th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation

10 12October 2022

Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian, China

First Announcement and Call for Papers

IWAMA International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation – is an important international workshop for academic and industrial experts in the fields of advanced manufacturing and automation and will be organized as an annual event worldwide. Manufacturing and automation have assumed paramount importance and are vital factors for the maintenance and improvement of the economy of a nation and the quality of life. The field of manufacturing and automation is advancing at a rapid pace and new technologies are also emerging in the field. The challenges faced by today’s engineers are forcing them to keep on top of the emerging trends through continuous research and development.

IWAMA aims at providing a common platform for academics, researchers, practicing professionals, and experts from industries to interact and discuss trends and advances in some areas of manufacturing and automation while sharing ideas and perspectives.

Workshop Topics

These are the main topics of IWAMA2022, but the topics are not limited to these. Authors should select 2-3 topics when they submit their papers.

  1. Industry 4.0 and 5.0

  2. Robotics and Automation

  3. AI &Computational Intelligence

  4. Intelligent Manufactory

  5. Design and Optimization

  6. Product Life-cycle Management

  7. Advanced Manufacturing Systems

  8. Manufacturing Operations Management

  9. Smart AquacultureTechnology

  10. Knowledge Management and Decision Making

  11. Manufacturing Quality Control and Management

  12. Sustainable Production

  13. Diagnosis and Prognosis of Machines

  1. Lean and Agile Manufacturing

  2. Virtual and Grid Manufacturing

  3. Resource and Asset Management

  4. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  5. Fashion Logistics and Marketing

  6. RFID Applications

  7. Predictive and Cognitive Maintenance

  8. 3D Printing

  9. Intelligent Inspection

  10. Chemical Process Equipment

  11. Parallel Mechanism and Manipulator

  12. Integration of CAD/CAPP/CAM/CIMS

  13. Smart Factory

Submission of Papers

Authors are invited to submit their papers presenting the results of original research or innovative practical applications relevant to the workshop. The papers should be min. 6 and max. 8 pages. Pages over 8 will be charged additionally. The paper should be written in English according to the paper template, which can be downloaded from the IWAMA website (http://iwama.group). The paper should be sent to Jian Wu (jian.wu@cslg.cn ). The presentation at the workshop should not exceed 15 minutes.  Full papers can be submitted to Kesheng Wang (kesheng.wang@ntnu.no) or the IWAMA website. We also make a poster session and an industry session.

Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts and all accepted papers will be published as proceedings in Lecture Notes of Electrical Engineering (LNEE) by Springer, which will be indexed by EI compendex. Selected papers will be considered for publication in an expanded form in relevant international journals, such as Advances in Manufacturing, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Application of Expert systems, or others indexed by EI or SCI.

Registration and fees

Regular registration fees include:

  Regular registration (regular and poster papers):£250

 Additional paper: £150

 Additional sheet: £40

  Admission to all sessions

  Workshop kit

  Refreshment in coffee breaks

  Lunches and conference dinners

*Regular and poster papers are included in the Proceedings.

Visa – If requested, our workshop secretariat will provide an invitation letter to the participant to present together with the visa request to make the visa procedure simpler and faster.

Venue – The workshop will take place at Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian, China.

Accommodation & travel information

Attendees will be suggested to book the hotel proposed later on.

Visitors arrive at Xiamen Airport or Xiamenbei Station and then may take a Taxi or bus to the hotel in Xiamen City. The daily temperature in October in Xiamen is about 27°C.

Important Dates

First announcement 01.12 2021

Paper submission deadline 01.06 2022

Acceptance notification 15.06 2022

Final camera-ready paper submission 15.07 2022

Honorary Chairs

General Chairs

Minglun Fang, Kesheng Wang

Yi Wang, Jan Ola Stradnagen and Tao Yu

Program Committee

Jan Ola Strandhagen, Norway

Kesheng Wang, Norway

Odd Myklebust, Norway

Per Schjølberg, Norway

Knut Sørby, Norway

Erlend Alfnes, Norway

Fabio Sagrbossa, Norway

Torgeir Welo, Norway

Kristian Martinsen, Norway

Hirpa G. Lemu, Norway

Wei D. Solvang, Norway

Lizheng Wang, Norway

Yi Wang, UK

Chris Parker, UK

Jorge M. Fajardo, Spain

Maria J. Calle, Spain

Torsten Kjellberg, Sweden

Fumihiko Kimura, Japan

Gustav J. Olling, USA

Michael Wozny, USA

Byoung K. Choi, Korea

Wladimir Bodrow, Germany

Guy Doumeingts, France

Van Houten, Netherlands

Peter Bernus, Australia

Janis Grundspenkis, Latvia

George L. Kovacs, Hungary

Rinaldo Rinaldi, Italy

Gaetano Aiello, Italy

Romeo Bandinelli, Italy

Yong Gan, China

Binheng Lu, China

Jinhui Yang, China

Dawei Tu, China

Lilan Liu, China

Minglun Fang, China

Xiaoqien Tang, China

Ming Chen, China

Xinguo Ming, China

Keith C. Chan, China

Meiping Wu, China

Bo Chen, China

Long Xiao, China

Shouqi Cao, China

Xiaojing Wang, China

Jin Yuan, China

Chuanhong Zhou, China

Jianqing Cao, China

Yayu Huang, China

Shirong Ge, China

Guijuan Lin, China

Shanming Luo, China

Benlian Xu, China

Zumin Wang, China

Guohong Dai, China

Sarbjit Singh, India

Vishal S. Sharma, South Africa

Hongjun Ni, China

Ziqiang Zhou, China

Zhengyu Hong, China

Bing Liu, China

Jian Wu, China

Organizing Committee

Shanming Luo(Chair), Judong Liu, Zhilong Xu, Ning Chen, Guijuan Lin,

Jian Wu, Haishu Ma, Shifeng Chen, Lilan Liu, Ziqiang Zhou

Workshop Secretariat

Jian Wu (jian.wu@cslg.cn)

Guijuan Lin (linguijuan@xmut.edu.cn)

Haishu Ma (504002129@qq.com)