Packaging Machine Product Design - ‘Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing’ Enterprise Experts into the lesson


Author: Zhang Xu

On November 8th, at precisely 13:20, Engineer LinQiang, a highly respected expert from Suzhou Jinchen Intelligent TechnologyCo., Ltd., was cordially invited to engage in an in-depth communication sessionwith teachers and students in Classroom F210 of the teaching building, assumingthe role of an enterprise specialist. The focal point of this exchange wascentered around the intricate and vital domain of product design concepts, withthe target audience being students hailing from mechanical engineering,automotive engineering, materials science, and other related majors, all ofwhom were eager to glean invaluable insights from an industry insider.

Established on April 5th, 1993, Suzhou JinchenIntelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has, over the years, carved out a remarkableniche within the industrial landscape. Its business scope encompasses a widearray of activities, starting with robust technology development initiativeswithin the intelligent technology realm, aiming to stay at the forefront ofinnovation. Commercially, it undertakes the sales of tobacco machinery spareparts and accessories, hardware components, specialized machinery andequipment, as well as computer software. In the professional sphere of tobaccomachinery, it offers a comprehensive suite of services, including technologytransfer, advanced technology development, and professional technicalconsultations. Moreover, the company is actively involved in the import andexport of goods and technologies, while simultaneously devoting significantresources to the research, development, and assembly of precision spare partsfor tobacco machinery and non-tobacco precision electronic control equipment.Additionally, it is responsible for the meticulous installation and maintenanceof complete sets of automated electromechanical equipment, auxiliaryfacilities, and their constituent parts, ensuring seamless operationalintegrity and reliability.

Engineer Lin Qiang, a distinguished graduate of theDepartment of Materials Engineering at Shanghai University of Engineering andTechnology, currently holds the position of a mechanical design engineer withinSuzhou Jinchen Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. His professional portfolio isreplete with remarkable achievements and responsibilities. Notably, he hasplayed a pivotal role in formulating the digital prototype modeling and drawingplans for Shanghai Tobacco Machinery, and has been actively involved in thedesign of critical components within the tobacco machinery ecosystem. Thisencompasses the wind lifting and cigarette packet heating and steeringcomponents of the ZB415 model, the design of relevant elements in aluminum foilpaper applications for fine and medium-sized cigarette packets, theconceptualization of key parts for the box-in-box packaging machine, theengineering of the number one wheel components for side-opening packagingmachines, and the intricate work of automatic splicing for aluminum foil paperand the inner frame paper.

During this exchange, with the theme of"Packaging Machine Product Design Concepts" as the guiding thread,Engineer Lin Qiang delivered a comprehensive and detailed exposition from aproduct-centric perspective. He delved deep into the assembly principles,design benchmarks, and phase matching aspects, providing a lucid and systematicunderstanding of the subject matter. Moreover, he meticulously analyzed andemphasized the crucial role that this discipline plays throughout the entireproduct life cycle, underlining its indispensable status in modern science andtechnology as well as social life, thereby enabling the audience to appreciatethe far-reaching implications and significance of sound product design.

Subsequently, Engineer Lin Qiang proceeded to give anenlightening speech on technical standards, covering both national standardsand enterprise-specific benchmarks. His presentation not only showcased thetechnical rigor and regulatory compliance required in the industry but alsomanaged to pique the students' interest and anticipation for subsequent relatedcourses, effectively laying a solid foundation for their further exploration ofthe subject. Towards the end of the session, an interactive segment wasthoughtfully designed, during which Engineer Lin Qiang provided meticulous anddetailed answers to the questions posed by faculty members and students alike,fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

This activity of enterprise experts into the lessonprovides better ideas and guiding direction for teachers to deepen thecurriculum reform of industry-teaching integration; it makes students realisethe importance of the curriculum and stimulates their professional interest,which is important for enhancing students' professionalism and broadening theiracademic horizons.