​ The Department of Energy and PowerEngineering carries out professional education for 2024 freshmen andenlightenment education for joining the Communist Party of China


In order to promote new students'understanding of the Energy and Power Engineering major, enhance theirconfidence and motivation in professional learning, and improve theirenthusiasm for joining the Communist Party, the Department of Energy and PowerEngineering held the 2024 freshman enrollment professional education and Partymembership enlightenment education on September 8th at F120 of the teachingbuilding. Tang Zixia, the director and counselor of the Department of Energyand Power Engineering, representatives of academic supervisors, representativesof the 21st grade students of the Energy and Power Engineering major, and 2024grade students of the Energy and Power Engineering major attended the meeting,which was chaired by Professor Deng Shengxiang, the director of the Departmentof Energy and Power Engineering.


The department head, Professor DengShengxiang, provided a detailed introduction to the basic situation of theEnergy and Power Engineering major from the perspectives of its historicalbackground, professional development, disciplinary status, faculty, teachingresources, professional construction effectiveness, and employment. At the sametime, he introduced the employment and social application development potentialof the Energy and Power Engineering major under the dual carbon background tothe freshmen, enabling them to have a deeper and more comprehensiveunderstanding of their major in 2024. Teacher Deng also provided a detailedintroduction to the professional training objectives and basic requirements,especially the demand for the integration of production and education in recentyears, as well as the achievements of the major in recent years, to enhancestudents' learning motivation and confidence. He hopes that new students canactively participate in practice, improve themselves, clarify their learninggoals, change their learning concepts, successfully complete their universitystudies, and make long-term plans in their future learning and life.


At the meeting, Professor Deng Shengxiang,the secretary of the Party branch of the Energy and Power Engineering faculty,also provided enlightenment education for new students on joining the Party.Teacher Deng emphasized that students should clarify their own goals, demandstrict standards of themselves, develop comprehensively, enhance theirideological consciousness, strengthen their learning of the basic knowledge ofthe Party, and actively approach the Party organization. I hope that studentswill remember General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest instructions, have ideals,dare to take responsibility, endure hardships, and be willing to strive,establish lofty ideals, and live up to their youth. Always believe in theParty, follow the Party, strictly demand oneself in future learning and life,and live a good college life with a positive attitude.


Ms. Wang Sha, the teaching director of theEnergy Department, as the representative of the academic advisor, exchangedideas with the students on the training program, curriculum system and modules,course selection methods, and teaching service system usage of the Energy andPower Engineering major. She focused on introducing the integration of industryand education in the newly added German module and centralized practice moduleof the Energy and Power Engineering major, allowing the students to furtherfamiliarize themselves with the professional course situation and requirements,as well as understand the usage methods of the teaching service system and theoptimization of course selection. At the same time, I shared my experiences asan academic mentor and class mentor with my classmates, which gave them adeeper understanding of the school's mentorship system. I also encouragedstudents to communicate with their class mentors, academic mentors, counselors,and seniors in a timely manner when encountering various problems during theirstudies, to abide by exam discipline, and to successfully complete theirstudies.

This freshman meeting also invited twoclass leaders, Wang Peng and Liu Yu, senior students majoring in Energy andPower Engineering, to exchange and speak. They put forward relatively objectivepersonal development suggestions based on their experiences in learning,extracurricular activities, postgraduate entrance examination, and employment.Wang Peng demonstrated the teaching service system and imparted courseselection experience from the perspective of students, demonstrating aconvenient way to view personal training plans and study progress. Liu Yuintroduced the second classroom credit study methods and exam precautions thatstudents are more concerned about, scholarship selection methods, graduationrequirements, etc. Finally, Wang Peng put forward several suggestions forpostgraduate entrance examination and employment planning, reminding freshmenin the 24th grade to make study and career plans in advance, familiarizethemselves with student rules and professional training plans, cherish time,and prepare for their postgraduate entrance examination or employment planning infour years.



The new enrollment education of theDepartment of Energy and Power Engineering has promoted students' in-depthunderstanding of professional disciplines, enhanced their understanding of theParty, strengthened communication and exchange between students andsupervisors, and learned valuable experience from seniors. We believe thatunder the cultivation of the college, they can become applied talents who meetthe requirements of engineering and internationalization, and make duecontributions to the high-quality development of the college.