HuoYuanming attended the Tsinghua University Visiting Scholars Exchange Meeting


OnNovember 20, 2024, Huo Yuanming, the Deputy Director of the Department ofMechanical Manufacturing at Shanghai University of Engineering Science, wasinvited to attend the Tsinghua University Visiting Scholars Exchange Meetingheld at the Innovation Center at No. 8 Xueyuan Road, Krypton Space. Hedelivered a remarkable report titled "Key Technologies for the Formationand Manufacturing of High-Manganese Non-Magnetic Steel Fasteners", whichgarnered widespread attention and enthusiastic response. In the report, DeputyDirector Huo Yuanming elaborated on the key technologies for the forming andmanufacturing of high-manganese non-magnetic steel fasteners, includingmaterial selection, process design, equipment research and development, andother aspects. He pointed out that high-manganese non-magnetic steel fastenershave excellent mechanical and magnetic properties, and have broad applicationprospects in aerospace, automotive manufacturing and other fields.

Theexchange meeting also attracted the participation of many well-known scholarsand experts, including Professor Zou Guan-gui from the School of Earth Scienceand Surveying and Mapping Engineering of China University of Mining andTechnology, Dr. Pi Yong-rui from the School of Oceanography of YantaiUniversity, Dr. Liu Qing from the School of Arts and Media of Jincheng Collegeof Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dr. Saniye from XinjiangEngineering College, and many other visiting scholars. They engaged in in-depthdiscussions on the hot issues in the field of machinery manufacturing, andjointly contributed their wisdom and strength to promote the development of themachinery manufacturing industry.