Department of Automotive Engineering OrganizesThematic Academic Exchange Activities



In order to further improve the professional teachers' scientificresearch quality, expand the scientific research vision, give full play to thegrass-roots departments and offices organized scientific research function, onOctober 17, 2024, the Department of Automotive Engineering organized the themeof the academic exchange activities, explore the future of the time of study, the activity invited theCollege Department of Automotive Engineering, Mr. Yuan Tao, to do the theme ofthe academic report, all teachers and some graduate representatives of theDepartment of Automotive This activity invited Mr. Yuan Tao from the Departmentof Automotive Engineering of the College to make a thematic academic report,and all the teachers of the Department of Automotive Engineering and somerepresentatives of graduate students participated in the activity.


The activity was presided over by Liu Fei, director of the Departmentof Automotive Engineering. The topic of this activity was Piezoelectric Loss Dynamics,Film Capacitor Thermal Management Design Optimization, New Energy Vehicle NVHMeasurement and Control Technology Team Introduction delivered by Mr. Yuan Tao of theDepartment of Automotive Engineering, which focused on the development of newenergy automobile lithium battery thermal management industry and theprofessional frontiers of the exchanges. During the activity, the teachersactively participated in the interaction and had an in-depth communication withMr. Yuan, discussing the key scientific issues in the field of capacitorthermal management design.


The next step, the Department of Automotive Engineering willcomprehensively summarize the effectiveness of the activities carried out inthe department on the basis of exchange and cooperation between the scientificresearch team, expanding external academic exchanges, exchange to promotecooperation, cooperation and development, to further strengthen the departmentof organized scientific research, boost the capacity of scientific researchteam, and promote the development of scientific research work in thedepartment.