TrainingConference for Master's Degree Supervisors in 2024


Onthe afternoon of June 19, 2024, the faculty of the School of Mechanical andAutomotive Engineering at Shanghai University of Engineering Science gatheredin Room 8B337 to attend a supervisor training lecture titled “Self-Care:Embracing the Moments of Life.” The lecture was delivered by psychologicalcounselor Yang Dandan, aiming to help teachers regulate their emotions andalleviate psychological stress.

Ms.Yang Dandan, a graduate of Northeast Normal University with a master’s degreein Applied Psychology, is a certified National Level-2 Psychological Counselor.She has extensive practical experience in Satir Family Therapy and NarrativeTherapy, along with in-depth research in art therapy through drawing. She hasalso published several related academic papers, providing a solid theoreticalfoundation for this lecture.

Duringthe lecture, Ms. Yang quoted many timeless sayings to convey the spirit ofdedication and societal expectations inherent in the teaching profession. Shehighlighted that while educators pursue their mission of imparting knowledge,they often face pressures from various sources, exacerbating mental healthchallenges. She emphasized that through expressive arts-based counseling,teachers can effectively release negative emotions and resolve inner conflicts,thereby reducing psychological burdens.

Inthe interactive session, participating teachers actively shared their emotionalexperiences and sources of stress. Ms. Yang patiently listened and offeredprofessional advice to help them better understand and manage their emotions.

Thistraining not only enhanced the teachers’ awareness of their own mental healthbut also fostered mutual support and communication among colleagues. Facultymembers from the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering expressedtheir hope for more such training sessions in the future to further improvetheir psychological well-being and teaching quality.

Atthe conclusion of the event, a representative from the school expressedgratitude to Ms. Yang Dandan for her insightful lecture. They also emphasizedthe importance of continued attention to teachers’ mental health in future workto foster a positive and supportive educational environment.