The thirdlecture of the series of academic reports on the application of styling designin the development of intelligent new energy vehicles was successfully held


On themorning of July 5th, the third lecture of the "Application of StylingDesign in the Development of Intelligent New Energy Vehicles" series ofacademic reports was successfully held at 8b604 Modern TransportationEngineering Center. The School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering invitedAlex Miklosi, a renowned automotive design master in the industry, to give apresentation on the theme of "Modern Automotive Design Architecture andthe Application of AI in Automotive Design". The report is chaired byTeacher Ma Fang.

In thisreport, Alex Miklos demonstrates how industrial design brings value tocustomers and solves problems through innovation, introduces the innovationprocess of major automotive brands, and explains the application of artificialintelligence in automotive design and the irreplaceable role of human design.After the report, the teachers and students had a lively exchange with AlexMiklosi on cutting-edge professional issues.

Thesuccessful hosting of this academic report not only actively showcases theexperience and achievements of the automotive industry in technology researchand development, product innovation, etc., introduces the latest developmenttrends and expected prospects of the industry, but also helps promote the teachingand research innovation of intelligent new energy vehicles in our university,empowering the development of the automotive discipline.

Thisacademic report is jointly organized by the Department of Automotive ServiceEngineering at the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and theShanghai New Energy Vehicle Vibration and Noise Evaluation and ControlProfessional Technical Service Platform. The report is supported by the 2024Foreign Expert Program of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology.